Invincible 12 : D&I debating Club

Presenting to you D&I Debating Club – ‘The Invincible 12’

Each motion of the debates shall intrigue them to follow current affairs and motivate them to imbibe, reflect and deliver while discussing what makes NEWS.

The participant shall be expected to follow the editorial sections of a credible daily newspaper.

There was never a time in our history when ignorance of current affairs could be so dangerous.”
Edgar Dale

Technology Take Over

The proposed details of the online sessions are :

  • Each motion of the debates shall intrigue them to follow current affairs and motivate them to imbibe, reflect and deliver while discussing what makes NEWS.
  • The participant shall be expected to follow the editorial sections of a credible daily newspaper.
  • Preference shall be given to those who have attended a D&I skill-building module.

Dreamers & Innovators is committed to bringing a radical change by motivating to outperform oneself.

Soft Skills

Public Speaking, Argumentation, Logical Reasoning, Research, Team work, Collaboration, Presentation


Interactive activities, Mock team debates, Individual Ex-tempore

Registration Open
Interested in a Module ?

Drop us a mail and we shall revert back.