‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do it.’
Imagine a world without light. If there was no electricity then there would be no fans, air conditioners etc. Thanks to great innovators like Thomas Alva Edison and Nikola Tesla who invented electricity and made life easy. It all started with the invention of the steam engine by James Watt which made communication and transportation easy and there were also steam ships that helped people go faster form one land to another. Now-a-days everything that we invent from a car to a space rocket needs electricity, so electricity has changed the world and taken it to some other level only. Then we use electric cars, electric bells, air purifiers, televisions, computers etc which also need electricity to work. It is a time when a small step for a mancan bea big step for mankind. Imagine how hard musthave been for Edison and Tesla to work on the discovered electricity which was the biggest sep for the industrial revolution, and now the inventers are able to make the inventions more easily by using electricity.That is why the thing which strikes our mind after reading the words“Industrial Revolution” is electricity and the great Innovator Edison.
‘Invention is the most important part of man’s brain.’