The Cuban missile crisis which happened in October 1962 was a fight between the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, when two super powers came closest to a nuclear conflict. It was a dangerous confrontation. The states that had the missiles were Cuba aiming at United States and Italy and Turkey facing Russia. Eventually the two sides reached an agreement that the Soviet Union would remove the missiles from Cuba, and USA would remove the missile from Italy and Turkey. The United States agreed that they would never invade Cuba again. The Cuban missile crisis showed that neither of the two super powers were ready to use their nuclear missiles.

USA and Russia also had a treaty known as the nuclear test Ban treaty in 1963 which banned nuclear weapons for future production also. The Cuban missile crisis showed how it could lead to massive war like WWIII which could reach to massive destruction and more opponents. It would be very bad.

I want everyone to make peace and leave the Earth healthy and free for the future generations. Don’t make violence, make peace. Make use of this power for good causes like agriculture, medicines and defend yourself from enemies. Please make this a better world by giving lots of love to Earth.

Save Earth, save water, and make it nice, green and health.

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