To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons the president of America, John F Kennedy made NPT which is the Non-Proliferation treaty. In NPT people are allowed to make nuclear energy but not nuclear bombs. Now, the question is what can we do with nuclear energy when we are not allowed to use nuclear bombs. There are many benefits of nuclear technology. As of now, nuclear energy is considered as one of the eco-friendliestenergies as it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions during the production of electricity as compared to traditional sources like a coal power plant. In many parts of the world agricultural workers prevent harmful insects from reproducing. Nuclear technologies provide image of inside the human body and can help to treat decease. Nuclear makes deep space exploration possible. One of the most important problems in the world is ‘water’. We can also use nuclear energy for purifying water. A few months ago,Elon Musk planned to make Mars inhabitable by using nuclear energy. I feel that John F Kennedy did a good job making the NPT because all the energy went wasted in just making weapons. NPT made life eco-friendly and saved the life of many innocent people, animals, birds, etc. and made peace in all the countries. If all the people would make such treaties the world would become a better place and we would all live happily on this planet.