‘ I have not failed. I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work.’
War of currents was a war between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. They both discovered electricity, but in 2 different ways. Thomas Edison created Direct Current (DC) in Ohio, USA. On the other hand, Nikola Tesla created Alternate Current (AC) in Europe.
Thomas Edison was born in Ohio, USA on February 11, 1847. In 1859, he beginning one of first chemistry labs. As a boy, Edison worked with the Grand Trunk Railroad. He set up his own chemistry lab abroad the train. In 1867, Thomas Edison began his first of many experiments. Throught the cure war, he worked as a wire operator. He become familiar with the telegraph instruments and started experimenting with them. In 1870, Edison become a full time invertor. He moved to New Jersey and used all of his money and time to work on new inventions. In 1931, he died on October 18.
Nikola Tesla was born in part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Europe on July 10, 1856. In 1882, he worked for Continental Edison. In 1885, he quit his job. In 1886, Began Tesla Electricity Light and Manufacturing. In 1891, patented Tesla coil. On January 7, 1943, he died.
‘The present is theirs; the future, for which I worked, is mine’.